WLD 2025

World Labyrinth Day in Educational Settings: Friday, May 2

World Labyrinth Day: Saturday, May 3

Many ways to participate!

Join thousands of people around the world in this moving meditation for world peace and celebration of the labyrinth experience!

Walk as One at 1

On this 17th annual World Labyrinth Day, many will walk a labyrinth at 1:00 p.m. local time to help create a rolling wave of peaceful energy passing from one time zone to the next around the globe.

Learn more about WLD!

Be creative!

Walk alone or with others. Build a permanent or temporary labyrinth. Use a finger labyrinth. Create labyrinth art. There are so many ways to participate!

Host an Event

Participate in pre-WLD events to prepare for your own event!

Use WLD PR materials to promote and connect your event!

Local and virtual WLD events can be shared on our Community Calendar.

Find an Event

Many events are offered by local and regional labyrinth organizations, facilitators, and hosts. See our Interactive Global Map for submitted events!

The Labyrinth Society Global Group on Facebook is additional place to find events.

Pre-World Labyrinth Day Events


See our Pre-WLD Events page for details.

WLD in Educational Settings

This extension of World Labyrinth Day, added in 2019, encourages schools and other educational communities to participate on the Friday before World Labyrinth Day. The Australian Labyrinth Network provides an extensive collection of tools, resources, and activities for educators and parents anywhere to use.

See our WLD in Educational Settings page for more details.