Australian Labyrinth Network
The Australian Labyrinth Network (ALN) was created in early 2018 and incorporated in Victoria as a not-for-profit association. Like most networks, it is a diffuse and yet resilient connection of passionate people doing what they love... promoting labyrinth consciousness in Australia.
The labyrinth movement in Australia began some three decades ago and since that time the interest in and creation of labyrinths has grown steadily, with now over 180 on the locator. Clusters of labyrinths can be found along the west coast from Geraldton down to Nannup, in the central/southern region from Adelaide to the Flinders Ranges, around the eastern seaboard and along the mountain range from Tasmania to Queensland, as far north as Darwin and right in the heart of the Red Centre – in Alice Springs.
Our purposes are to:
encourage the use of the labyrinth as a sanctuary for contemplation and prayer, a symbol of wholeness and integration, as a metaphor for the journey through life and as a way to celebrate the seasons
provide members with networking opportunities and information about the use of labyrinths and of labyrinth goods and services
educate the public about the personal and communal benefits of labyrinth walking and about the use of the labyrinth as a holistic tool for self care
support all those who create, maintain and use labyrinths by providing opportunities for skills development in labyrinth facilitation and construction
In short, we meet and support people wherever they are on the path, to walk together creating the labyrinth as an integral part of the communities in which they live, learn, work, play and pray.